Special Updates

This page is designed to communicate special announcements that may change or update our normal order of business.

Hurricane Irma Update - Updated 9/18/17

We are back in our facility picking things up and getting things operational again after the passing of Hurricane Irma.  Please give us a few days to get back up an running to normal capacity as we still have employees who have not returned yet who went out of state to safety away from the storm.  All orders will be delayed.

Thanks for your patience and understanding and we are moving as fast as we can to get up and running.

Hurricane Irma Update - Updated 9/14/17

We were blessed with the fact that our facility was spared any damage.  However, we have no internet and no power still as of today.  We have been told that our power should be restored by Friday end of day 9/15/17.  Although we would love for this to happen, we just don't know for sure if the power company will be able to do it.  80% of our county has no power and I know there were alot of trees that took out power lines.  In either event, orders will be delayed processing and shipping until we can get back into the shop, put it back together and ensure all the equipment is running well.

Please be patient as our power company is working as fast as they can and we will get things going hopefully starting Monday 9/18/17.

Again, thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.


Hurricane Irma Update - Updated 9/7/17

Our facility will be closed on Friday 9/8 thru Monday 9/11 and we will reassess things on Tuesday 9/12.  All processing and shipments of orders will be halted on 9/7 so that we can prepare our location and our employees can have ample time to handle their own personal needs.

Again, thank you for your understanding during this time.

Hurricane Irma Update - Updated 9/6/17

Due to Hurricane Irma, many orders may be delayed due in part to allowing our employees time to secure our facility and to give them ample time to address their own personal needs to remain safe.  Our facility may be closed thru next week depending on the storm trajectory.  We are monitoring the hurricane and will make changes as we get more information.  But our main objective is to keep everyone safe during the hurricane.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding during this time.